Challenge Weekends & Rallies

Students receive a wide range of benefits, including spiritual growth, improved communication, personal motivation, youth development, and community service.

Building deeper

Weekend challenge & rallies aim to encourage young people to know God's Word, develop a relationship with Jesus Christ, and become active in the Christian community, preparing them to serve Christ and contribute to the church growth & impact in society

Aflame Mission Team is always open to invitations to minister during challenge weekends and rallies organized by learning institutions like high schools and colleges. We have been doing this for many years with great success by God’s grace and many lives have been evangelized to. These are usually a concentrated time of ministry especially during weekends hence the name, “Challenge weekend”-(Meaning a weekend when you are challenged/given options to make spiritually sound decisions).

Unlike a Sunday service which we only have an hour or so for ministry. A challenge weekend (Traditionally runs from Friday evening to Sunday evening), allows for more time of engaging with ministry activity as well as guidance and counselling to students.

Interested? Let's get in touch!

If you desire to support the ministry work we do at Aflame, or would like to invite us to come minister in your institution, kindly reach out.
Contact us