Form Four Leavers Forum

A time to reflect and chart new paths into divine destiny.

Milestone achieved

One of the major milestones in the education system is graduation from High School. It's a transition from childhood into adulthood and we celebrate the young ones who have reached this milestone.

This is a forum that we hold to celebrate our form fours to celebrate their triumphant finishing of secondary education. We bring together every young person for this moment of thanksgiving. In this event we appreciate the emerging talents especially in the area of music among the youth. We bring together upcoming talented young musicians from the schools to spur them into serving God with their talents. We also bring in some established music ministers as mentors to these upcoming ones. The event is an outreach platform for the ministry as it brings together youth from all walks of life.

Interested? Let's get in touch!

If you desire to support the ministry work we do at Aflame, or would like to invite us to come minister in your institution, kindly reach out.
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