Eden Worship Experience

Worship is every saint’s replenishment station. When we worship, we are in a conversation that is bound in communion with our Lord and Saviour which results in joy overflowing and more.

The essence of our lives
is to worship

While we give God our shouts, songs, and grateful hearts, he gives back to us living water, the bread of life, the breath of His spirit, healing, and deliverance. We need to make worship a priority in our lives. God’s presence is where we should long to be. In His presence, God’s overflowing love and light shines through so that we can share all that He is with those around us.

Driven by Eden Worship Band

We are an arm of the Aflame Mission Team whose objective is to mentor young people in worship and use of music as a tool to lead people in worship. The team comprises of vocalists, instrumentalists, sound and media personnel.

Our Vision

To see a generation of youth that are unashamed to live a life of worship that is in conformity to the teaching of Jesus Christ in John 4: 12-24

Our Mission

Win, Equip and Mature the youth in the area of worship.

How do we fulfill this mission?

  • By teaching on worship
  • Holding Worship Experiences (dubbed Eden Worship Experience)
  • Leading worship session in Schools during their Sunday Services and Weekend Challenges.

About Eden Worship Experience

Eden worship experience was birthed from Ephesians 5:19 “…speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord”

Why Eden?

Eden is the garden/environment God placed man when He created him. It means a place of Pleasure, Paradise, Delight, Happiness. Man was to live in this place of pleasure/delight in His presence but because of sin, he could no longer enjoy this place.

Eden Environment:

A place of relationship and fellowship both vertical and Horizontal

Vertical relationship: In Genesis 2:27 God created man in His own image so He could relate/fellowship with him.

Horizontal relationship: Genesis 2:18 After man was created and placed in the garden of Eden God said it was not good for him to be alone so He made a helper suitable for man to relate and fellowship with.

Ephesians 5:19 says we speak to one another in Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs.

Thus, Eden environment is a place of relationship and fellowship with God and with one another.

A place of provision

God created the garden first, then placed man in the garden Genesis 2:8-9. He provided for man everything he needed then placed him in that environment.

A place of grace, mercy and restoration

In Genesis 3: 21 When man sinned, God did not kill him, instead He made garments of skin for Adam and Eve to cloth/cover them.

A place of instruction and guidance

Genesis 2:28-30; 3:16-17 God gave man instructions on how he was to live in the garden. What he was to do and not do.

A place of empowerment and partnership with God

Genesis23:19 – 20 God gives man the responsibility to name the animals and birds He had created. Our desire is that as we sing, play an instrument, worship or teach on worship, we will activate this environment in the spirit for people to experience God as described above.


Our worship this morning was pure heaven, first time I have ever seen that. And we soaked and tarried. And our dilapidated keyboard did things I truly didn’t know possible!

I was overwhelmed to witness such glory and the students allowed themselves to go to God in a deep way. It didn’t happen last year after Eden, but this time we have sure brought it home and I pray it stays. I’m soooooo soooo excited!

Thank you for pouring yourselves into us so generously. God bless Aflame and His name be worshipped in all the earth and heaven forever.

Caroline Ndungu, Chaplain, PCEA Kimuka Girls.

(Eden Worship Experience 2024)

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If you desire to support the ministry work we do at Aflame, or would like to invite us to come minister in your institution, kindly reach out.
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